
22nd Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Nursing and Health Care

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Guidance for Participants

General Guidance and Guidance to the Virtual Conference


  • 総合案内は,神戸大学バーチャル会場(https://virtualconference.jp/)から入場した後のトップページにあります.バーチャル会場は,神戸大学内で運営しますが,事前にプレス受付を済ませた取材を除き,リアルでの来場はお断りします.
  • 第1バーチャル会場はZoomウェビナーにてライブ配信,第2バーチャル会場はZoomミーティングにてライブ配信,第3バーチャル会場はウェブサイトにてポスターを掲示します.
  • 各種問い合わせは,事務局への電子メール(22jsnhc@nursingresearch.jp)でお願いします.


  • 事前に参加登録され,参加費を入金済みの方にのみ,登録いただいた電子メールアドレス宛てに,バーチャル会場に入場するためのログインIDとパスワードを2020年9月16日(水)に送信します.ログインIDとパスワードの再発行はしません.なお,ログインIDとパスワードは第三者に譲渡せず,管理を徹底してください.
  • 事前に,Zoom(Zoomビデオコミュニケーションズ)のウェブサイト(https://zoom.us/)からミーティング用Zoomクライアントをダウンロードし,パソコンにインストールしておいてください.なお,https://zoom.us/testにおいて,テストミーティングに参加してインターネット接続を確認できます.
  • ウェブブラウザを使用し,神戸大学バーチャル会場(https://virtualconference.jp/)にお越しください.ウェブブラウザは,Safari(アップル),Mozilla Firefox(Mozilla Foundation),Google Chrome(Google)をお薦めします.画面表示などに問題が生じる可能性が報告されているため,Internet Explorer(マイクロソフト),Microsoft Edge(マイクロソフト)の使用はご遠慮ください.
  • 2020年9月19日(土)に,ログインIDとパスワードを使って,バーチャル会場に入場してください.第1バーチャル会場と第2バーチャル会場では,プログラムをクリックするとZoomクライアントが起動しますので,各バーチャル会場に入室できます.第3バーチャル会場では,プログラムをクリックするとポスターが表示されます.
  • 2020年9月19日(土)から2020年10月5日(月)の期間,同じログインIDとパスワードでバーチャル会場に入場可能です.


  • プロシーディングは,バーチャル会場に入場後のトップページにおいて,PDFファイルとして提供します.
  • 冊子体の『第22回日本看護医療学会学術集会プロシーディング(Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Nursing and Health Care)』(ISBN 978-4-904684-07-8)は,2,000円(税別)で販売しています.購入希望は,事務局にお問い合わせください.
  • 参加証と領収書は,バーチャル会場に入場後のトップページにおいて,PDFファイルとしてダウンロードできます.


  • バーチャル会場に入場後,現れるプログラムを参照し,プログラムをクリックするとZoomクライアントが起動しますので,各バーチャル会場に入室して聴講してください.
  • プログラムに参加中は,発表者の音声トラブル発生を予防するために,音声はミュート(消音)に設定してください.
  • 発表者は,発表中はカメラを常時オンにしてください.
  • 万一,発表に際してトラブルなどが生じた場合,事務局ではその責任を負いません.特に,提示するスライド内容や関連ファイルでの著作権,肖像権,個人情報などの取り扱いに十分注意してください.
  • 発表に際し,事務局はコンピュータの操作,インターネット接続,映像・音声などのトラブルへの直接的な対応はできませんので,ご自身での解決をお願いします.

1. Overall Guidance

  • To view the General Guidance, please go to the web site of the Kobe University Virtual Conference, (https://virtualconference.jp/), where you will see the top page. The virtual conference is operated at Kobe University, but with the exception of reception by members of the press beforehand for purposes of coverage, please refrain from making actual visits to the site.
  • The First Virtual Conference Room will be streamed live via Zoom Webinar; the Second Virtual Conference Room will be streamed live via Zoom Meeting; and the Third Virtual Conference Room will display posters on the web site.
  • If you have any questions regarding the above, please email the Secretariat (22jsnhc@nursingresearch.jp).

2. Admission into the virtual conferences

  • Those who have completed registration and payment will receive a log-in ID and password that will enable them to enter the site. This will be mailed to them on September 16, 2020 (Wednesday). The log-in ID and password cannot be re-issued. Please make careful efforts to protect your log-in ID and password and refrain from giving them to third parties.
  • Prior to the conference, please go to the Zoom Video Communications web site (https://zoom.us/)and download the Zoom client for meetings and install it on your personal computer. It is suggested that you confirm that the software is operating by going to https://zoom.us/test and taking part in a test meeting.
  • Utilizing your web browser software, log onto the Kobe University Virtual Conference (https://virtualconference.jp/). Recommended browsers include Safari (Apple), Mozilla Firefox (Mozilla Foundation) and Google Chrome (Google). As screen display problems have been reported by some participants, please refrain from using Internet Explorer (Microsoft) or Microsoft Edge (Microsoft).
  • On September 19, 2020 (Saturday), please use your log-in ID and password to enter the site. Clicking on the First or Second Virtual Conferences will load the Zoom client, enabling you to enter to the respective virtual conferences. By clicking on the program for the Third Virtual Conference, you will be able to view the posters.
  • From September 19, 2020 (Saturday) to October 5, 2020 (Monday), you will be able to access the virtual conferences using the same log-in ID and password.

3. Proceedings and Certificate of Attendance

  • The proceedings will be provided in the form of a PDF file that is displayed on the top page following admission to the virtual conference.
  • A printed booklet, “Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Nursing and Health Care,” (ISBN 978-4-904684-07-8) will be sold for 2,000 Japanese yen (exclusive of 10% sales tax). Those wishing to order copies of the booklet should contact the Secretariat.
  • Certificate of Attendance and a receipt for payment of the attendance fee in PDF form can be downloaded from the top page after entering the virtual conference site.

4. Program attendance

  • After entering the virtual conference site, refer to the program that appears. Click on the program will activate the Zoom client, enabling you to enter the virtual conference rooms to monitor the presentations.
  • In order to avoid audio problems with the speaker, please set the volume to “MUTE.”
  • Speakers should activate (turn on) their webcam or built-in camera during the presentation.
  • The Secretariat cannot be held responsible for problems that occur during the conference. Presenters in particular are requested to take sufficient caution with the contents of their slide presentations with regard to copyright, image copyright, personal data and so on.
  • When making presentations, the Secretariat will be unable to perform operations to fix problems concerning computer operation, internet connections, and audio/visual, so please be prepared to remedy these yourself.

Precautionary measures for the virtual conferences

  • Zoomクライアントで参加される前に,リアルな氏名をZoomに入力して参加ください.発表者の場合,氏名の前に“発表者_”を付けてください.なお,Zoomウェビナー/Zoomミーティングに参加後,いつでもこの氏名を変更できます.
  • 事務局が参加者の氏名を常時確認し,参加費の入金が確認できない場合は強制退室いたします.
  • プログラムのICレコーダなどによる録音,カメラ/ビデオカメラなどによる撮影/録画は,著作権の侵害になりますので禁止します.
  • 同様に,パソコンのソフトウェアを利用したプログラムの録音,撮影,録画,ならびにファイルのダウンロードは,著作権の侵害になりますので禁止します.なお,各バーチャル会場にあるファイルは,容易にダウンロードできない仕様にしています.
  • 参加するときの服装は,カジュアル過ぎない普段着でお願いします.
  • Before taking part using the Zoom client, please enter your actual name into Zoom. If you are presenter, before your name, add “Presenter_.” Following use of Zoom Webinar and Zoom Meeting, you can change the name as you wish.
  • The Secretariat will constantly confirm the names of participants, and if it is determined that the individual has not paid the attendance fee, that person will be blocked.
  • Use of IC recorders or other audio recording devices, or image recording by means of cameras or video cameras is a violation of copyright and strictly prohibited.
  • By the same token, recording, photographing, video recording or file downloads utilizing personal computer software is a violation of copyright and strictly prohibited. The files of the respective virtual conference rooms contain copy protection to discourage downloading.
  • Participants are requested to wear conventional attire and refrain from overly casual garments.

Introduction to the poster presentations (arguments utilizing paper posters)


  • ポスター作成にあたり,以下の5点にご注意ください.
    • ポスター作成には,Microsoft PowerPoint(マイクロソフト),Keynote(アップル)などを使用してください.
    • スライドのサイズをワイド画面に設定し,幅は33.87もしくは33.867 cm,高さは19.05 cmに指定してください.
    • スライド枚数は,10枚以内で作成してください.
    • 1枚目のスライドに“演題名,発表者名(筆頭発表者に〇印),所属名,連絡先の電子メールアドレス”を明記してください.演題番号は不要です.連絡先の電子メールアドレスは,参加者からのコメントを受け取るために必須です.
    • 提出用ファイルとして,PDFファイルを書き出してください.たとえば,スライド枚数が10枚の場合,10ページのPDFファイルになります.
  • PDFファイルは,2020年9月9日(水)までに,事務局(22jsnhc@nursingresearch.jp)宛てに電子メールに添付してお送りください.電子メールの件名は,“ご所属名_発表者氏名”としてください.PDFファイルが5 MB以上の場合は,オンラインストレージGigaFile便(https://gigafile.nu/)などを利用し,そのURLをお送りください.
  • 事務局が責任をもって,第3バーチャル会場にポスターを掲示します.自由に閲覧することになりますので,発表時間の設定はありません.
  • ポスターは,非同期型(オンデマンド型)で2020年9月19日(土)から2020年10月5日(月)までの期間に掲示します.参加者から電子メールでコメントがあった場合は,個人的にご対応ください.
  • 掲示が終了後,ウェブサイトを閉鎖し,データは事務局が責任をもって消去します.

You are requested to prepare your poster in accordance with the guidelines below. Please do not produce a poster as a single large sheet, but segment the contents into several smaller sections to facilitate their readability.

  • Please give attention to the following five points when producing your poster.
    • Please produce the poster utilizing Microsoft PowerPoint (Microsoft), Keynote (Apple) or other familiar software programs.
    • Please set the size of the slides for a wide screen, with a width of 33.86 or 33.867 cm and a height of 19.05 cm.
    • Please limit the number of slides to 10 or fewer.
    • On the first slide, please clearly indicate the title of the presentation, the name or names of the presenters (marking the first presenter with a circle), affiliated institution and contact email address. The inclusion of email contact is necessary in order to receive comments from participants.
    • Please produce the presentation files in PDF format. For example, if the number of slides is 10, then the file will become a PDF file 10 pages in length.
  • PDF files should be submitted as email attachments to the Conference Secretariat (scns12@transculturalnursing.jp) by September 9 (Wednesday), 2020. On the mail subject line, please write in, as appropriate, “Organization/institution_presenter name.” If the PDF file is larger than 5 MB, please send it to the above URL via online storage GigaFile protocol (https://gigafile.nu/).
  • The Secretariat will be responsible for undertaking display of posters at the Third Virtual Conference Room. All participants will be able to view it freely, so the presentation time is not fixed.
  • Posters (in on-demand format) will be displayed during the period from September 19 (Saturday) to October 5 (Monday), 2020. If you receive comments from participants via email, please reply personally.
  • After the end of the presentations, the web site will be closed, and the conference Secretariat will take responsibility for erasing all data.

Introduction to the podium presentation/oral presentation (arguments presented orally)



1.スライド作成には,Microsoft PowerPoint(マイクロソフト),Keynote(アップル)などを使用してください.

2.スライドのサイズをワイド画面に設定し,幅は33.87もしくは33.867 cm,高さは19.05 cmに指定してください.なお,スライドのトランジション(画面遷移)は設定しないなど,Zoomを使用する際のITリテラシーを備えてください.また,モニタ(ディスプレイ)1台で参加する場合,Microsoft PowerPointの発表者ツールを使用しないでください(参加者にメモが見えてしまいます).













Those conducting the podium presentation/oral presentation (arguments presented orally) are requested to follow the guidelines shown below:

Preparation of slides

1. To produce slides, please use Microsoft PowerPoint (Microsoft), Keynote (Apple) or other similar software.

2. Set the slide size for wide screens, with a width of 33.87 or 33.867 cm and a height of 19.05 cm. A sufficient degree of IT literacy is required to use Zoom, for example such as knowing not to use the settings for transition effects when changing slides. If participating with one display monitor, please do not utilize Microsoft PowerPoint presenter’s tools (otherwise memos will be visible to the participants).

Confirmation of Zoom Meeting operation

3. Operation confirmation can be performed during the hours from 13:00 to 15:00 on September 18, 2020 (Friday). Those presenters who have concerns over use of Zoom Meeting are requested to confirm operation during these hours.

4. Prior to the conference, please go to the Zoom web site (https://zoom.us/)and download the Zoom client and install it on your personal computer.

5. Utilizing your web browser software, go to the Kobe University Virtual Conference (https://virtualconference.jp/).

6. Utilizing the log-in ID and password that you will be issued on September 16, 2020 (Wednesday), please enter the Second Virtual Conference Room. The Zoom client will be activated, so while making adjustments with the other presenters, confirm that it is operating properly.

To those conducting the podium presentation/oral presentation (arguments presented orally)

7. Thirty minutes prior to the scheduled start of the presentations on September 19, 2020 (Saturday), go to the Kobe University Virtual Conference site. Utilizing the log-in ID and password that you will be issued on September 16, 2020 (Wednesday), please enter the Virtual Conference. Next from the program that appears on the screen, click on the Second Virtual Conference Room. The Zoom client will be activated, permitting you to enter the room.

8. Zoom Meeting will stream the live proceedings from the Second Virtual Conference Room. As we will announce the start of each activity, please begin to show your presentation using the Share Screen function of the Zoom. You may also transmit your recorded videos prior to the scheduled start.

9. Please adhere closely to the allotted time schedule. The duration has not been fixed in order to allow for questions and answers.

Access to videos of the podium presentation/oral presentation (arguments presented orally)

10.The Secretariat will record the contents of the podium presentation/oral presentation (arguments presented orally), and provide them on demand, exclusively to registered participants, in the Second Virtual Conference Room. The videos will be available from September 22 (Tuesday) to October 5, 2020 (Monday). If you receive any comments from other participants via email, please reply to them directly.

11. At the end of the duration of the showing, the web site will be shut down and the Secretariat will take responsibility for deleting all the data.

Presentation of Best Podium prize and Best Poster prize

  • 演題査読委員会の審査にもとづき,演題の中から優秀なものを会長が選出し,優秀ポディウム賞と優秀ポスター賞として2020年10月5日(月)に学術集会のウェブサイトで表彰します.
  • 後日,賞状を受賞者に郵送します.
  • In accordance with judging by the Presentation Review Committee, the most outstanding presentations will be selected by the chairperson, and awarded the Best Podium prize and Best Poster prize, which will appear on the conference web site on October 5, 2020 (Monday).
  • The award recipients will be sent a certificate of award via post.

Guide to the Keynote address/ Special address/ Invited address/ and Symposium



1.スライド作成には,Microsoft PowerPoint(マイクロソフト),Keynote(アップル)などを使用してください.

2.スライドのサイズをワイド画面に設定し,幅は33.87もしくは33.867 cm,高さは19.05 cmに指定してください.なお,スライドのトランジション(画面遷移)は設定しないなど,Zoomを使用する際のITリテラシーを備えてください.また,モニタ(ディスプレイ)1台で参加する場合,Microsoft PowerPointの発表者ツールを使用しないでください(参加者にメモが見えてしまいます).













The keynote speaker, participants in three-way discussion and those making special lecture are requested to follow the guidelines shown below:

Preparation of slides

1. To produce slides, please use Microsoft PowerPoint (Microsoft), Keynote (Apple) or other similar software.

2. Set the slide size for wide screens, with a width of 33.87 or 33.867 cm and a height of 19.05 cm. A sufficient degree of IT literacy is required to use Zoom, for example such as knowing not to use the settings for transition effects when changing slides. If participating with one display monitor, please do not utilize Microsoft PowerPoint presenter’s tools (otherwise memos will be visible to the participants).

Confirmation of Zoom Webinar operation

3. Operation confirmation can be performed during the hours from 13:00 to 15:00 on September 18, 2020 (Friday). Those presenters who have concerns over use of Zoom Webinar are requested to confirm operation during these hours.

4. Prior to the conference, please go to the Zoom web site (https://zoom.us/)and download the Zoom client and install it on your personal computer.

5. Utilizing your web browser software, go to the Kobe University Virtual Conference (https://virtualconference.jp/).

6. Utilizing the log-in ID and password that you will be issued on September 16, 2020 (Wednesday), please enter the First Virtual Conference Room. The Zoom client will be activated, so while making adjustments with the other presenters, confirm that it is operating properly.

To those conducting Keynote address/ Special address/ Invited address/ and Symposium

7. Thirty minutes prior to the scheduled start of the presentations on September 19, 2020 (Saturday), go to the Kobe University Virtual Conference site. Utilizing the log-in ID and password that you will be issued on September 16, 2020 (Wednesday), please enter the Virtual Conference. Next from the program that appears on the screen, click on the First Virtual Conference Room. The Zoom client will be activated, permitting you to enter the room.

8. Zoom Webinar will stream the live proceedings from the First Virtual Conference Room. As we will announce the start of each activity, please begin to show your presentation using the Share Screen function of the Zoom. You may also transmit your recorded videos prior to the scheduled start.

9. Please adhere closely to the allotted time schedule. The duration has not been fixed in order to allow for questions and answers.

Access to videos of Keynote address/ Special address/ Invited address/ and Symposium

10.The Secretariat will record the contents of the Keynote address/ Special address/ Invited address/ and Symposium, and provide them on demand, only to registered participants, in the First Virtual Conference Room. The videos will be available from September 22 (Tuesday) to October 5, 2020 (Monday). If you receive any comments from other participants via email, please reply to them directly.

11. At the end of the duration of the showing, the web site will be shut down and the Secretariat will take responsibility for deleting all the data.