
22nd Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Nursing and Health Care

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Will I be permitted to post information posters or distribute flyers at the conference venue?


During the conference, we will be providing a dedicated space at the venue for posters, distribution of flyers, and so on, so please bring them with you. However, the organizers reserve the right to prohibit distribution of materials that are judged to be inappropriate for the conference. Any remaining materials not carried off by conference attendants will be discarded by the secretariat. If you wish to reclaim them, please take them home with you after the end of the program.


Please tell us the story behind the concepts of the images being used in the flyers and on the web site.


Inside the spiral-shaped time tunnel, symbolizing the path to the future, nothing is present to hinder the advance of the nursing professional’s progress. Further beyond are white doves, wings spread against the blue sky, symbolizing hope for the future. This image expresses the conference’s theme of “Leading-edge Nursing Science and Its Future Implications.” Here and now, through engaging in profound studies of leading-edge nursing science, we have the opportunity to carve out a bright and hopeful future for members of our profession.